Category: programming

FLOSS version of VSCode and the extensions gallery

What is VSCode?# Visual Studio Code (a.k.a. VSCode or VS Code) is a cross-platform, free, libre and open-source (FLOSS) text editor developed by Microsoft and written in JavaScript and TypeScript. The

Generate background pattern in Ruby

We will see how to generate a SVG background with triangle patterns in ruby to have something that look likes this: At first, install the TrianglePattern gem: $ gem install triangle_pattern Then we o

Ruby cheat sheet with examples

Take it easy Ruby! Basic concepts# Hello World# puts "Hello World!" Comments# # single line comment =begin Multi-lines comment =end Variables# my_var = 42 My_constant_var = 31337 Shorth

Python 3 "No module named SimpleHTTPServer"

If the default python on your machine is python 3 so running the following command will result an error: $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer python: No module named SimpleHTTPServer So use instead: python -m

Variables type size and formaters in C

Variables# Type Size Min Max signed char 8 bits -128 +127 unsigned char 8 bits 0 +255 short 16 bits -32,768 +32,767 unsigned short 16 bits 0 +65,535 int 16 bits -32,768 +32,767 unsign