ABCTF - 125 - A Small Broadcast - Cryptography



By Translated by Version Comment
Chill3d noraj 1.0 Creation


  • Name : ABCTF 2016
  • Website :
  • Type : Online
  • Format : Jeopardy - Student
  • CTF Time : link


I RSA encrypted the same message 3 different times with the same exponent. Can you decrypt this?


Corrected challenge version URL:

Problem updated on 7/17/16 @ 8PM EST - fixed values
I RSA encrypted the same message 3 different times with the same exponent. Can you decrypt it?



  1. The idea is to carry out a Håstad's broadcast attack on the RSA protocol. This attack will allow us to decipher a text transmitted multiple times, provided that the exponent of the key that was used to cipher this text be lower or equal to the number of obtained transmissions.
  2. So, here, exponent must be 1, 2 or 3 (it's often 3).
  3. Here is the script (comments are in French):
# RSA : Hastad Attack
# Chill3d
import os
def eea(a,b):
    """Extended Euclidean Algorithm for GCD"""
    v1 = [a,1,0]
    v2 = [b,0,1]
    while v2[0]<>0:
       p = v1[0]//v2[0] # floor division
       v2, v1 = map(lambda x, y: x-y,v1,[p*vi for vi in v2]), v2
    return v1

def inverse(m,k):
     Retourne b de maniere que b*m mod k = 1, ou 0 s'il n'y a pas de solution
     v = eea(m,k)
     return (v[0]==1)*(v[1] % k)

def crt(N,e):
     Theoreme des reste chinois:
     N = Liste des modulo des clefs publiques
     e = Exposant des clefs publiques

     Chinese Remainder Theorem:
     ms = list of pairwise relatively prime integers
     as = remainders when x is divided by ms
     (ai is 'each in as', mi 'each in ms')

     The solution for x modulo M (M = product of ms) will be:
     x = a1*M1*y1 + a2*M2*y2 + ... + ar*Mr*yr (mod M),
     where Mi = M/mi and yi = (Mi)^-1 (mod mi) for 1 <= i <= r.

     M  = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,N)        # Multiplication des N ; multiply N together
     Ms = [M/mi for mi in N]   # Liste de tous les M/N list of all M/mi
     ys = [inverse(Mi, mi) for Mi,mi in zip(Ms,N)] # Utilise l'inverse,eea ; uses inverse,eea
     return reduce(lambda x, y: x+y,[ai*Mi*yi for ai,Mi,yi in zip(e,Ms,ys)]) % M

def root(x,n):
    Fait une racine d'ordre n sur le nombre x

    Finds the integer component of the n'th root of x,
    an integer such that y ** n <= x < (y + 1) ** n.
    high = 1
    while high ** n < x:
        high *= 2
    low = high/2
    while low < high:
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        if low < mid and mid**n < x:
            low = mid
        elif high > mid and mid**n > x:
            high = mid
            return mid
    return mid + 1

#Exposant commun aux 3 messages
#Modulo des cles publiques
#Messages communiques avec la meme cle privee
#On applique le theoreme des restes Chinois sur N et y
print "F",F
#On fait une racine cubique de F
intflag = root(F,e)
print "intflag",intflag
#On affiche sa valeur
flag = hex(intflag)[2:-1].decode('hex')
print flag