smarttomcat - Web - 50 pts - realized by xel/grimmlin
Normal, regular cats are so 2000 and late, I decided to buy this allegedly smart tomcat robot
Now the damn thing has attacked me and flew away. I can't even seem to track it down on the broken search interface... Can you help me ?
Let's take a look at sources, there is some JavaScript:
The interesting line is:
var cat_coords = 'http://localhost:8080/index.jsp?x=' + parseFloat($('#xcoord').val()) + '&y=' + parseFloat($('#ycoord').val());. So we have one web serve that is a proxy for a web application.
We can see in http headers that the front-end server is Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu).
The description is suggesting we have a Tomcat web app.
In the javascript we can see var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map"); and OpenLayers is a class of GeoServer.
What do we have?
Front-end: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Back-end: Apache Tomcat/7.0.68 (Ubuntu)
Map-core: GeoServer
In the javascript we also see if (isNaN(y) || isNaN(x)) {y = 15.2833; x = -4.2667;} that means the browser won't let us send anything else than numbers in the form. We should use Hackbar or curl.
What to do now? We guessed this is a Tomcat web app so let's find the Tomcat Manager (administration panel for Tomcat web server).
A normal request (POST data) would be:
With curl:
Now let's try to reach the Tomcat Manager page which is usually: Here we have the manager also running on port 8080.
So with curl:
With hackbar:
We can see the following error: HTTP Status 401: This request requires HTTP authentication.
This is because we should provide some Basic Auth information.
Default credentials of Tomcat Manager are tomcat:tomcat.
So the http header for authentication should be Authorization: Basic dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA==.
The option to pass basic authentication to curl is -u but doing the following command won't work:
Because this will provide the authentication to the Apache front-end instead of giving it to the proxyfied Tomcat Manager running on the back-end.
But it's possible to directly provide credentials for basic authentication in the URL, for example:
Let's do it:
The flag was: INS{th1s_is_re4l_w0rld_pent3st}. No need to find the coordinates.