By | Version | Comment |
Chill3d | 1.0 | Creation |
- Name : Juniors CTF 2016
- Website :
- Type : Online
- Format : Jeopardy
- CTF Time : link
categories: admin, forensics
Gruncle Stan loves money very much and doesn't shun to use unacceptable tricks to get it. Not so far he started a new project with an aim to embezzlement of public funds. He hired some developers and decided to "borrow" source code. But one liberal-minded young man didn't like, that Stan's project is a plagiarism. This zealous fighter for justice decided to spoil one developer's project. Try to find out, what the malefactor added.
Here are all developers' projects -> WORKDIRS
In this challenge, we get a tar.gz file. In it, there are 20 tar.gz files containing git repo from openvpn.
So first, I unzip all tar.gz file, and I seek so differences between repos :
$ diff -r comp_1 comp_2
Binary files comp_1/openvpn/.git/index and comp_2/openvpn/.git/index are differents
$ diff -r comp_1 comp_3
$ diff -r comp_1 comp_4
$ diff -r comp_1 comp_5
> //FLAG -> gRunCle_StAn_tHe_woRsT_coDeR
Flag : gRunCle_StAn_tHe_woRsT_coDeR