By | Version | Comment |
noraj | 1.0 | Creation |
- Name : Juniors CTF 2016
- Website :
- Type : Online
- Format : Jeopardy
- CTF Time : link
categories: network, joy, admin
#hint for task with jabber: try to use another clients because clients works differently with anonymous auth.
$ echo dipper lo-o-ssE-bo |tr ipodlEsb- ab0j1328.
with pidgin & wireshark
- domain:
- server:
change domaine to: mystery-hack.gravity.falls
- domain: mystery-hack.gravity.falls
- server:
Pidgin can't be used because it doesn't support anonymous connection.
Use Profanity instead:
/connect anonymous@mystery-hack.gravity.falls server
Some people are connected:
Let's talk to dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
/msg dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls hello
He told us:
- Russian:
Я очень смышленый парень. Но сейчас не понимаю ни слова.
- English:
I am very clever guy. But now I do not understand a word.
We talked to stand
- Russian:
Это ты что сейчас сказал? Всегда четко формулируй, что тебе надо. Ты что, русского языка не понимаешь. Тогда тебе сюда:
- English:
That's what you have just said that? Always articulate what you need. What, you do not understand the Russian language. Then you here:
Admins said us that
doesn't work and we need to use Google Translate and speak to dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
in russian only.
We tried to invite him in a room but he didn't want to come in:
/room accept
/invite dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
We tried to get some infos about him:
/info dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
11:51:30 - dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls:
11:51:30 - Subscription: none
We checked upload:
/sendfile /etc/hosts
11:55:25 - XEP-0363 HTTP File Upload is not supported by the server
We added him in contact, check if he had a pgp public key, wanted to subscribe to his presence and allow him to see ours, but it seems he doesn't want to be our friend:
/roster add dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
/pgp contacts
/sub request dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
/sub allow dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
/sub show dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
12:20:08 - Awaiting subscription responses from:
12:20:08 - dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
Last activity requests are forbidden:
/lastactivity dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls
12:24:27 - Last activity request failed for dipper@mystery-hack.gravity.falls: forbidden
Someone in the Telegram chat talked about mabel
, so we tried:
/msg mabel@mystery-hack.gravity.falls hello
He said us:
- russian:
Не понимаю, чего вы хотите? Я богиня разрушения!
- english:
I do not know what you want? I am the goddess of destruction!
Try to list rooms again, this times it works:
13:08:11 - Chat rooms at conference.mystery-hack.gravity.falls:
13:08:11 - hall@conference.mystery-hack.gravity.falls, (hall (12))
13:08:11 - dipper@conference.mystery-hack.gravity.falls, (dipper (1))
13:08:11 - flag_shop@conference.mystery-hack.gravity.falls, (flag_shop (4))
We joined hall (/join hall
), there is some users:
- Moderators: stan
- Participants: dipper, Gideon, mabel, soos, wendy
- Visitors: ctf players I suppose
We talked to soos:
- russian:
Чувак, я тебя не понимаю. Хотя мудрость - мое благословение и проклятие.
- english:
Dude, I do not understand you. Although wisdom - my blessing and a curse.
When we talk, giving only keywords, nobody understand us so let's try some complete sentences:
To stan:
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Хотите флаг? (You want to flag?)
Могу предложить флаг Конфедерации за сотку баксов. (I can offer the Confederate flag for a hundred bucks.)
Пока рядом нет полиции - все законно! (While not near the police - all legally!)
ХА-ХА-ХА!!! (Ha-ha-ha !!!)
Если есть какие-то вопросы - обратитесь к soos (If you have any questions - please contact soos)
To soos:
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Можно вопрос, зачем тебе флаг? (It is possible to question, why do you a flag?)
Лучше обратись к dipper, он специалист по загадкам. (Better to turn to the dipper, he riddles specialist.)
Вообще-то я второстепенный персонаж. (Actually, I'm a minor character.)
О боже, второстепенные персонажы погибают в первые пять минут. (Oh God, the secondary characters are killed in the first five minutes.)
Что же делать? (What to do?)
Ok so let's talk to dipper:
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Флаг? Причем тут флаг? (Flag? And the flag here?)
Это очередная загадка Гравити Фолз?. (This is another mystery Gravity Falls ?.)
Я ее обязательно разгадаю. (I'm sure it unravel.)
Но сейчас мне некогда, у меня свидание с wendy. (But now I have no time, I have a date with wendy.)
Let's try wendy:
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Флаг? Ну да. Почему бы и нет. (Flag? Well yes. Why not.)
Хотя лучше утка. Или панда. (Although better duck. Or panda.)
Но по животным у нас специалист mabel (But animals have specialist mabel)
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Флаг? Нелегально? Я легализую всё, что только можно!" (Flag? Illegally? I legalize everything that is possible!)
Ой, забыла предстваиться. (Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.)
Привет, я Мэйбл. Мне двенадцать. (Hi, I'm Mabel. I was twelve.)
У меня есть waddles. Хотите пожениться? (I have waddles. Want to get married?)
Я хочу, чтобы флаг, пожалуйста. (I want the flag, please.)
Флаг: 骨架 (Flag: 骨架)
Досвидания. (Bye.)
And 骨架
in chinese means skeleton
We must submit the flag in chinese, not in english.
Note: Jabber server was very unstable and we get a lot of Lost connection. messages. So we used /reconnect 1
Feedback: russian content everywhere, taht's pain for non-russian people, use english only. No flag format, flag are meaningless so it may be hard to know when you get the flag or not, they need to use a flag format or give in the description what the flag have to look like. This was a joy only challenge, there is no security in this challenge, so that must not be in a CTF or that should give very few points.