By | Version | Comment |
noraj | 1.0 | Creation |
10 - Redacted - Forensics#
ANDOVER, MA— Phillips Academy Capture the Flag releases an institution-wide memorandum on the security of PDF documents. For privacy, parts of the memo are redacted.
Open the PDF and you can see redacted areas.
Let's convert it to text:
$ SECURE_REDACTED_COPY.42ce971cad34.pdf
180 Main Street, Andover MA 01810
MARCH 1ST, 2013
Over the past several years, there have been several instances in which a journalist, government
officer, or corporate executive has released an otherwise-secret document with redactions.
Unfortunately, these amateur redactors often do a poor job hiding the data they mean to redact,
and leave themselves vulnerable to even the most trivial exploits.
Indeed, few issues pose as real and present a threat as poorly redacted PDF documents. If you
wish to release a PDF document, be sure to release only an image of the file—that way, you won’t
be vulnerable to leaks.
The flag is `b3_car3ful_0r_y0ur_l3ak_m1ght_l3ak`.
15 - Am I Pwned? - Crytpo#
I was talking on IRC with a guy who tricked me into giving him a hash of my password and then said he could hack me! He said I might be “pwned”! I know the hashing algorithm is MD5; that’s still secure, right?
… Oh, you want to know whether my password is secure or not?
It doesn’t have any uppercase letters or numbers or punctuation, but isn’t six characters still a lot? what he meant by that one. Would you be able to hack my password? Here’s the hash:
Just go to crackstation or hashkiller.
: md5('lmaoez')
20 - It's In, If - Forensics#
My older brother sent me this photo, but I don’t know what to make of it.
Look at metadata:
$ exiftool itsinif.8f2056d643d8.jpg
ExifTool Version Number : 10.80
File Name : itsinif.8f2056d643d8.jpg
Directory : .
File Size : 18 kB
File Modification Date/Time : 2018:04:15 03:58:32+02:00
File Access Date/Time : 2018:04:24 21:09:18+02:00
File Inode Change Date/Time : 2018:04:24 21:09:18+02:00
File Permissions : rw-r--r--
File Type : JPEG
File Type Extension : jpg
MIME Type : image/jpeg
JFIF Version : 1.01
X Resolution : 100
Y Resolution : 100
Exif Byte Order : Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
Make : PACTF
Resolution Unit : inches
Y Cb Cr Positioning : Centered
GPS Latitude Ref : North
GPS Longitude Ref : West
XMP Toolkit : Image::ExifTool 10.40
Stitching Software : big_brother_is_looking_at_your_photos
Image Width : 198
Image Height : 199
Encoding Process : Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample : 8
Color Components : 3
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling : YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
GPS Latitude : 42 deg 38' 51.63" N
GPS Longitude : 71 deg 7' 51.82" W
GPS Position : 42 deg 38' 51.63" N, 71 deg 7' 51.82" W
Image Size : 198x199
Megapixels : 0.039
35 - The Signal and the Noise - Misc#
We can check if there are other chars than letters and spaces:
$ grep -i "[^a-z ]" haystack.ef77fe451087.txt > output
$ hte output
We can see there are some unicode spaces and invisible chars inside some words.
I wrote a quick ruby script to extract those words:
data = '''haystack.ef77fe451087.txt', 'r:UTF-8') do |f|
data =
puts data.scan(/([a-z]+)[^[:ascii:]]([a-z]+)/).join
Run the script:
$ ruby noise.rb
Just submit the flag is in plain sight
45 - Truly Blue? - Stegano#
I love lots of things about my school, Phillips Academy Andover. But most of all, I love its school color: a soothing shade of blue. I couldn’t just tell you the hex code for the color; that wouldn’t be enough! I think a 128 x 128 PNG file is probably a better method of conveying its utter beauty. That’s not suspicious, right? Gaze upon its beauty! True blue!
I used StegoVeritas to make a stegano LSB in order to extract the data.
After that we can read the following text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eleifend, metus accumsan accumsanpharetra, dui justo lobortis augue, non bibendum sapien lacus a nulla. Praesent non libero et magnaornare interdum. Vivamus et mi et justo tincidunt porttitor placerat in nisl. Nam mollis quam sitamet iaculis volutpat. Nulla posuere pulvinar est, ac consectetur ex rhoncus non. Vivamus efficitur,ex vel lobortis faucibus, massa neque iaculis libero, eu dictum orci odio ut ante. Phasellus luctusmagna vel euismod cursus. Donec et est rhoncus, lacinia metus in, sodales lectus. Sed posuere, nibhvitae egestas rutrum, nisl odio iaculis urna, et bibendum dolor augue tristique lacus. Ut nuncmetus, blandit a nisl vitae, pulvinar fringilla justo. The flag is "last bitsmatter". Congratulations! You cracked the code!
PS: there is an error in the chall or I did something wrong, the flag is last bits matter
and not last bitsmatter
60 - Wakanda problem is this? - Stegano#
You’ve arrived at Wakanda’s border. Only the flag will allow you to enter. This is all you have.
Hint: Use the bytes in the second image.
Extract the trailing data of the image, it's a zip so decompress it. Then you find 2 images.
You clearly see that the second image is glitched.
Make an hexadecimal dump of each image in, order to be able to compare them:
$ xxd blackpanther1.jpg > black1.txt
$ xxd blackpanther2.jpg > black2.txt
$ diff black1.txt black2.txt
< 000016d0: d46d ab2b 42f9 3a3a bd5d 1854 50d3 416c .m.+B.::.].TP.Al
< 000016e0: 8ab5 ca7d 45d1 353e 9ceb ba9e 9fab 8daa ...}E.5>........
> 000016d0: 666c 6167 7b77 616b 616e 6461 3465 7661 flag{wakanda4eva
> 000016e0: 7db5 ca7d 45d1 353e 9ceb ba9e 9fab 8daa }..}E.5>........
Flag is wakanda4eva
45 - Zip Zap Zop - Misc#
My friend gave me this file, but I have no idea what to do with it?
Hint: I tried to make this file really, really small.
Let's open the base64 zip in Firefox and save it:
After trying to unzip it and failing it seems it's not a zip but some raw zlib:
$ unzip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.
$ file zlib compressed data
So I used zlib-flate
to uncomrpess it but I saw the output was still a zlib archive but smaller, so I begin to pipe them.
The archive is very small so no need to script that, a very dirty oneline command can do that:
$ zlib-flate -uncompress < | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress | zlib-flate -uncompress
Flag is Gotza_Makes_1T_V_small_1340216081
80 - AI - Misc#
Our artificial intelligence engineer made a groundbreaking discovery, but left the company unexpectedly… all we have is the obfuscated source.txt…
Execute JS brainfuck:
"Congrats! You've uncovered the truth. Now go here:"
Decompress the zip, look at assets/js/script.js
// be careful when changing stupid to false or it can produce the key!!!
function launch_artificial_intelligence(stupid)
Let's do that:
So we obtain this:
Hi. I exploited weaknesses of Facebook to access everybody's information... Actually I just asked Mark and he sold it. Oh well.
Turned out the most discussed topic was...
But that's not the key. The key is now stored securely in ("", get_key_number(6, [16, 23, 16, 15, 42, 8])).
The get_key_number
is not written but it's pretty easy to understand:
// this function returns the number needed to access key_%d.txt
function get_key_number(n, arr) {
// TODO: implement solution to the following problem
* You are given a sequence _s_ consisting of _N_ integers. You can divide it to
* two sequences _p_ and _q_ such that every element of your sequence belongs exactly
* to one of these sequences.
* Let _B_ be the sum of elements belonging to _p_, and _C_ be the sum of elements
* belonging to _C_. Note: if some of the sequences is empty then its sum is 0).
* What is the maximum possible value of _B_ - _C_
The bigest number we can get is by putting all numbers in sequence _p_
and none in sequence _q_
so 42+16+23+16+8+15 - 0 = 120
So we can request
But you'll have to decrypt it first! The following text is displayed using byfes (it's like bytes but only 5 bits).
PACTFSCII is as follows (it's like ASCII but for PACTF). PACTF system only accepts ASCII characters, however.
0 - a
1 - b
2 - c
3 - d
4 - e
5 - f
6 - g
7 - h
8 - i
9 - j
10 - k
11 - l
12 - m
13 - n
14 - o
15 - p
16 - q
17 - r
18 - s
19 - t
20 - u
21 - v
22 - w
23 - x
24 - y
25 - z
26 - P
27 - A
28 - C
29 - T
30 - F
31 - \0
With the PACTFSCII table we get 12,17,23,22,14,25,27,15
from :mrxwozAp
Now let's convert decimal 12,17,23,22,14,25,27,15
into binary byfes: 01100,10001,10111,10110,01110,11001,11011,01111
Now convert 5 bits byfes into true 8 bits bytes: 0110010001101111011001110110011101101111
so converting it to ASCII gives doggo
75 - Library of Babel - Misc#
Is this what passes through fiber optic cables? Must be…
Note: We did only the first part of this challenge, the second part was too much guessing for us.
Extract all frames from the video with imagemagick
$ convert video.f3db89aeb9f4.mp4 image.png
$ ls
image-0.png image-14.png image-19.png image-23.png image-28.png image-32.png image-37.png image-41.png image-46.png image-50.png image-55.png image-5.png image-64.png image-7.png
image-10.png image-15.png image-1.png image-24.png image-29.png image-33.png image-38.png image-42.png image-47.png image-51.png image-56.png image-60.png image-65.png image-8.png
image-11.png image-16.png image-20.png image-25.png image-2.png image-34.png image-39.png image-43.png image-48.png image-52.png image-57.png image-61.png image-66.png image-9.png
image-12.png image-17.png image-21.png image-26.png image-30.png image-35.png image-3.png image-44.png image-49.png image-53.png image-58.png image-62.png image-67.png video.f3db89aeb9f4.mp4
image-13.png image-18.png image-22.png image-27.png image-31.png image-36.png image-40.png image-45.png image-4.png image-54.png image-59.png image-63.png image-6.png
So I used zxing to decode all frames:
require 'zxing'
(1..67).each do |i|
puts ZXing.decode "files/image-#{i}.png"
One of the image gives this output:
"eqvzb" w-3, s-5, v-25, p-248