By | Version | Comment |
Chill3d | 1.0 | Creation |
- Name : RC3 CTF 2016
- Website :
- Type : Online
- Format : Jeopardy
- CTF Time : link
Sometimes not all files are needed. Hint:
– You probably don’t have to run it
For this challenge, we have an apk file nammed youtube.apk
. First, let decode it with apktool to see usefull file like AndroidManifest.xml : apktool d youtube.apk
We know that we are seeking a RC3-2016 flag, so go search in files we extracted :
cd youtube
find . -type f -exec grep RC3-2016 {} \;
=> No resultfind . -type f -exec grep RC3 {} \;
give this output :
new-instance v1, Ljava/util/zip/CRC32;
invoke-direct {v1}, Ljava/util/zip/CRC32;-><init>()V
invoke-virtual {v1, v4, v8, v0}, Ljava/util/zip/CRC32;->update([BII)V
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/util/zip/CRC32;->getValue()J
Let's see if we can find 2016 string somewhere :
find . -type f -exec grep 2016 {} \;
give a loot of string and the last one is a bit weird : UkMz-2016-R09URU0yMQ==
Decode this in base64 : flag = RC3-2016-GOTEM21