By | Version | Comment |
noraj | 1.0 | Creation |
- Name : School CTF 2016
- Website :
- Type : Online
- Format : Jeopardy - Student
- CTF Time : link
In the year 2337 we finally secured the WEB! Now we have headers for anything you want. Everybody can make their site secure just by setting ALL the headers on the server.
I just ported a demo page from the future to your time, so you can look how wonderful it is!
As the description suggests, let's take a look at headers:
Allow-Siri-Google-Cortana-Search-Clients: 1
Anti-HPKP-Suicide: ignoreAfter=6000000
Browser-Restrict: openInNewTab=false; noRefererFromHere=1
Check-CDN-Revocation-List: 1; ignoreIfError;
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Meaning: none; flag-part-number=5 part-content=54f3};
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2016 11:46:31 GMT
Flag-First-Part-Is-Here: encoding=base64; part1=U2Nob29sQ1RGezUwbTNkNHk=;
Flag-Parts-Connector: character=_; charCode=95; hexCharCode=0x5f;
Flag-Security-Policy: headers, ecnryption=none,
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Set-Cookie: uselessCookie=uselessVal; Secure; StoreEncrypted=1; ExtensionsCanRead=0; DeleteOnBrowserExit=1l
Strict-Transport-Security-I-Broke-Something-Please-Downgrade-If-Error: 1
Task: category=joy; ucucuga=sure; encoding=none; justString=true; flagPresent=1; flagPart2=17; flagPart4=b3
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Bug-Bounty: openRedirects=false; logoutCSRF=false; selfXSS=false;
X-Content-Config: blink-origin-in-addressbar, disable-addressbar-copy-paste, disable-javascript-history-api
X-Do-Not-Link-From-These-Sites: /blacklist.txt
X-FRAME-Restrict: minhsize:100px; minvsize:100px; readable
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Header: meaning=none;
X-If-You-Read-This-Join-Tomsk-State-University: additional-points=5; url=;
X-Ignore-CSP-Whitelists: 1
X-Mouse-Disable-Click-After-Page: 3 secodns
X-Nikita-Please-Add-This-Header: False
X-Order-To-KFC: order=coffee; order=fried-potato; transport=SASHA
X-Papper-Compatibility: disallow
X-ShellShock-vector: (){;}; echo "Want flag?"; python -c 'part3="77316c6c"; print part3.decode("hex")'
X-Super-Hero-Status: False
X-Window-Restrictions: disallow-from-window-open
Y-Toilet-Papper-Compatibility: allow
content-security-policy: real-strict-dynamic
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000000000000
x-xss-protection: -1; mode=ignoreheader
Ok... such a mess... and such a troll challenge!
Part 1:
$ echo -n "U2Nob29sQ1RGezUwbTNkNHk=" | base64 -d
Part 2 & part 4:
flagPart2=17; flagPart4=b3
Part 3 (don't run the fork bomb):
python -c 'part3="77316c6c"; print part3.decode("hex")'
Part 5:
Content-Meaning: none; flag-part-number=5 part-content=54f3};
Flag: SchoolCTF{50m3d4y_17_w1ll_b3_54f3}