Tag: lfi

Tokyo Ghoul - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: Tokyo Ghoul Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Medium Description: Help kaneki escape jason room Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: $ sudo

NahamStore - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: NahamStore Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Medium Description: In this room you will learn the basics of bug bounty hunting and web application hacking Write-up Overview#

Team - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: Team Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Easy Description: Beginner friendly boot2root machine Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: $ sudo pac

Archangel - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: Archangel Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Easy Description: Boot2root, Web exploitation, Privilege escalation, LFI Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on Bla

All in One - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: All in One Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Easy Description: This is a fun box where you will get to exploit the system in several ways. Few intended and unintended paths t

Tabby - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information Box# Name: Tabby Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Easy OS: Linux Points: 20 Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: $ pacman -S nmap ffuf curl metaspl

Inclusion - Write-up - TryHackMe

Information Room# Name: Inclusion Profile: tryhackme.com Difficulty: Easy Description: A beginner level LFI challenge Write-up [Task 2] Root It# #1 - user flag# Answer: 60989655118397345799 http://

INS'hAck 2019 - Write-ups

Information# CTF# Name : INS'hAck 2019 Website : scoreboard.ctf.insecurity-insa.fr Type : Online Format : Jeopardy CTF Time : link 50 (Easy) - Exploring The Universe - Web# Will you be able to find

Sunshine CTF 2019 - Write-ups

Information# CTF# Name : Sunshine CTF 2019 Website : 2019.sunshinectf.org Type : Online Format : Jeopardy CTF Time : link 150 - Wrestler Name Generator - Web# Even better than the Wu-Tang name gene

Securinets CTF Quals 2019 - Write-up

Information# CTF# Name : Securinets CTF Quals 2019 Website : www.ctfsecurinets.com Type : Online Format : Jeopardy CTF Time : link Feedback - Web# I created this website to get your feedback on our