

Virtualbox : change the UUID of a virtual disk

To change the UUID of a virtual disk: 1VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid <filepath> [<uuid>] Examples# With a vdi disk : VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid disk.vdi With a vmdk dis


Writeups - Forensic - BusyBee

Information# Version# Date By Version Comment 05/06/2016 noraj 1.0 Creation CTF# Name : BackdoorCTF 2016 Website : https://backdoor.sdslabs.co Type : Online Format : Jeopardy CTF Time : lin


Hardened Tor Browser with Selfrando

6 June 2016, the Tor Project announced a hardened version of Tor Browser: 6.5a1-hardened. Here some links: Download page for hardened builds (only avaible for Linux at this time). Distribution direct


Git changing remote URLs

git remote set-url <name> <newurl> command changes existing remote repository URL. For example, to switch from a github repository from HTTPS to SSH: Change the current working directory


Hide AES-256 encrypted zip file in a JPEG image

This how-to was made for Linux user. The user will need p7zip, exiv2 and optionally exif, exiftool, unzip. Create an AES-256 encrypted zip file# 7z (p7zip for Linux) can produce zip-format archives wi


Pastejacking vs clipboard hijacking

Clipboard hijacking# It as been possible for a long time to use css (-9999px position trick) to append malicious content to the clipboard. Users doesn't notice anything and may execute unwanted comman


Writeups - Crypto - MindBlown

Information# Version# Date By Version Comment 05/06/2016 noraj 1.0 Creation CTF# Name : BackdoorCTF 2016 Website : https://backdoor.sdslabs.co Type : Online Format : Jeopardy CTF Time : lin