Category: misc

Disqus: End of Discussion

Introduction: the error of not choosing# Disqus is one of the major third-party commenting and discussion system. However, I never really chose to use Disqus. It was a bit of an imposition because it

Mirror and sync Gitlab and Github repositories

Use case# For serious and big projects I use Gitlab over Github because it's much more easy, efficient and featureful. But you know what Gitlab lacks of? For no good reason people hypes Github over Gi

Remove EXIF metadata from pictures with exiftool

When taking a photo from your phone you don't want to share your position, right? After rendering a picture from a tool like Gimp or Photoshop you want it to be as light as possible but to keep a good

Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages

You are building a website with a static site generator like Hexo or Jekyll? You want to have website source code on GitHub and the website running on gh-pages without maintaining two Git repository?

Git changing remote URLs

git remote set-url <name> <newurl> command changes existing remote repository URL. For example, to switch from a github repository from HTTPS to SSH: Change the current working directory

How to manually configure Firefox / Waterfox language

Go to Choose the Firefox version, ex: 46.0 Choos the architecture, ex: linux-x86_64 Go into the xpi folder Choose a language, ex: fr.xpi Click on the cho

OpenBSD 5.9 is here

OpenBSD update to version 5.9. Main improvments: Pledge - a new mitigation mechanism process in restricted mode security improved 70% of user components converted WiFi 802.11n multithread network

Newsoo: a French Usenet access provider has been closed

The man known as Optix, the owner of Newsoo, was taken into custody by the DIPJ the 2016/03/22. Newsoo was a French Usenet provider, the service was delivering 2 GB of pirated data per second. Sacem p