Disqus: End of Discussion
Introduction: the error of not choosing# Disqus is one of the major third-party commenting and discussion system. However, I never really chose to use Disqus. It was a bit of an imposition because it
Introduction: the error of not choosing# Disqus is one of the major third-party commenting and discussion system. However, I never really chose to use Disqus. It was a bit of an imposition because it
Use case# For serious and big projects I use Gitlab over Github because it's much more easy, efficient and featureful. But you know what Gitlab lacks of? For no good reason people hypes Github over Gi
Goal# Instead of using Gitlab pages, using Netlify has a web host has the following advantages: automatic Let's encrypt certificate + auto-renewing (now also available on Gitlab) managed DNS zone at
When taking a photo from your phone you don't want to share your position, right? After rendering a picture from a tool like Gimp or Photoshop you want it to be as light as possible but to keep a good
You want to put your project on a remote Git repository like GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab or Gogs to share and collaborate? Follow the following steps: Create a new repository on one of the git service
You are building a website with a static site generator like Hexo or Jekyll? You want to have website source code on GitHub and the website running on gh-pages without maintaining two Git repository?
git remote set-url <name> <newurl> command changes existing remote repository URL. For example, to switch from a github repository from HTTPS to SSH: Change the current working directory
Go to https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ Choose the Firefox version, ex: 46.0 Choos the architecture, ex: linux-x86_64 Go into the xpi folder Choose a language, ex: fr.xpi Click on the cho
OpenBSD update to version 5.9. Main improvments: Pledge - a new mitigation mechanism process in restricted mode security improved 70% of user components converted WiFi 802.11n multithread network
The man known as Optix, the owner of Newsoo, was taken into custody by the DIPJ the 2016/03/22. Newsoo was a French Usenet provider, the service was delivering 2 GB of pirated data per second. Sacem p