Tag: http

Buff - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information Box# Name: Buff Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Easy OS: Windows Points: 20 Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: $ sudo pacman -S nmap lynx exploi

Dyplesher - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information Box# Name: Dyplesher Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Insane OS: Linux Points: 50 Write-up Overview# Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: $ pacman -S nmap ffuf gittoo

Book - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information# Box# Name: Book Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Medium OS: Linux Points: 30 Write-up# Overview# TL;DR: SQL truncation -> admin accounts SSRF -> XSS -> file disclosure

ForwardSlash - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information# Box# Name: ForwardSlash Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Hard OS: Linux Points: 40 Write-up# Overview# TL;DR: There is a web application with a parameter vulnerable to file discl

ServMon - Write-up - HackTheBox

Information# Box# Name: ServMon Profile: www.hackthebox.eu Difficulty: Easy OS: Windows Points: 20 Write-up# Overview# TL;DR: We have to find some hints in a FTP, finds creds through a Path Travers