Tag: linux


ArchLinux - Install Zsh shell and oh-my-zsh

Install Zsh# Before installing zsh, see what shell is currently being used: 1$ echo $SHELL Install zsh: 1# pacman -S zsh For additional completion definitions, install the zsh-completions package


Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages

You are building a website with a static site generator like Hexo or Jekyll? You want to have website source code on GitHub and the website running on gh-pages without maintaining two Git repository?


Virtualbox : change the UUID of a virtual disk

To change the UUID of a virtual disk: 1VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid <filepath> [<uuid>] Examples# With a vdi disk : VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid disk.vdi With a vmdk dis


Virtualbox : shared folder with guest

This how-to works independently of the host platform. On virtualbox : Open the Configuration window of the VM (guest) Select Shared folder on the left menu Click on the icon corresponding to Add a sh