Tag: linux


ArchLinux installation in VirtualBox

First of all, this tutorial doesn't prevent you from following the ArchWiki - Installation guide, it is not standalone. Pre-installation# First basic steps# For those first steps, I think you are a bi


Check SSH fingerprint

Display the default fingerprint# Of a key# You can either use the public key or private key to obtain the fingerprint (default is SHA256 in base64). 1234$ ssh-keygen -lf ./id_ed25519256 SHA256:jISolPD


Remove EXIF metadata from pictures with exiftool

When taking a photo from your phone you don't want to share your position, right? After rendering a picture from a tool like Gimp or Photoshop you want it to be as light as possible but to keep a good


How to use ProtonVPN on Arch Linux

Install the necessary packages# Install openvpn if needed: 1# pacman -S openvpn --needed To prevent DNS leakage you'll need an additional package, for more info see Arch Linux Wiki. Using systemd <


Ruby cheat sheet with examples

Take it easy Ruby! Basic concepts# Hello World# 1puts "Hello World!" Comments# 123456# single line comment=begin Multi-lines comment=end Variables# 12my_var = 42My_constant_var = 31337 Sho