Tag: linux

How to find out the Linux distribution name and version

There is the old method cat /etc/*-release to match distribution release file. For example on openSUSE this will match with /etc/SuSE-release. This method is deprecated and will be removed in the futu

How to convert VirtualBox vdi to KVM qcow2

VBoxManage can't directly convert vdi to qcow2, so there is two options : With VBoxManage convert vdi to raw and with qemu-img convert raw to qcow2 With qemu-img convert vdi to qcow2 Notes : vdi are

How to disable SSH login for the root user

Create a new user. In the following example, we will name it bob. root# useradd -m bob root# id bob uid=1000(bob) gid=1000(bob) groupes=1000(bob) Set the password for the new user. root# passwd bo

Examine the codes sent by the keyboard

A usefull command if are want to read keyboard input : showkey. Very useful to know keycodes when programming. What is showkey ?# showkey - examine the codes sent by the keyboard How does it work ?# s

How to change OpenSSH port on CentOS 7

Before beginning# These are the steps to do on the SSH server. Be sure to do all the steps before exiting SSH connection if you are connected via SSH. This config was tested for default CentOS 7 iso.

How to change of terminal in command-line with Linux

Changing of TTY (TeleTYpewriter), text console or text terminal without keyboard shortcut may be useful for remote administration or virtualization. So to change of TTY in CLI (Command-Line Interface)

Install Oh-my-zsh on openSUSE

Install zsh zypper in zsh and git zypper in git. Then install oh-my-zsh wget --no-check-certificate http://install.ohmyz.sh -O - | sh. Then define zsh as your default shell: chsh -s /bin/zsh.

Learn Linux: Help

What is the man? Let's see what it says itself: $ man -f man man (1) - an interface to the on-line reference manuals man (7) - macros to format man pages man (1p)